Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Caution: Raptors ahead

First off, I apologize for the lack of posts over the past month. Between vacation, the snow, earthquakes and my real job it's been tough. But I'm back and I promise to post more regularly.

So my favorite new trend is people hacking into electronic road signs. The latest incident came this week in Indiana, where someone changed an electronic road sign to read: Raptors Ahead: Caution.

Apparently not everyone realized this was a prank, including a few clueless motorists.

"It's kind of crazy. I'm totally confused," said one motorist. "I'm kind of expecting … dinosaurs to run down the road, or something."
Another puzzled motorist said, "Which raptors?" before adding that he hadn't seen the sign.

This comes less than a week after someone hacked into electronic road signs in Texas to warn about Zombies.

I'm certainly not endorsing the practice of hacking into road signs, but I think an award should be given for the most creative hacked sign.

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